Music Ministry
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! ...
Psalms 50: 1-6

Kenneth Washington
Director of Music Ministry

Bass Player


Key Board

Praise and Worship Leader
The music is one of the first things people notice when they attend a church service. The style, the instruments and the choice of songs exert great influence over the audience.
The rewards of being the a music ministry are many: We get to serve the Lord with something We love with our heart; God gives us the privilege of seeing people’s lives changed through the ministry to which He has called us; The Ministry of Music is one of the most vital ministries in the church and should be viewed as a sacred office. A music ministry cannot be built by a lazy musician no matter how talented he/she might beSuch an important part of the service is not randomly arranged each week but is the work of a devoted music ministry in the congregation.

Men of Faith
Exceptional Achievement
Men of faith is our male group. God manifest himself through the ministry in song. This group of men take pride in serving God.

The Voices of Praise
Angelic Voices
As a choir, our goal is to glorify God at our highest possible level of excellence because He is worthy of our every best!
As a child of God you must commit to a stronger fellowship with Him that is growing through regular devotions and individual prayer time.
Commit to pray that our Church and the ministry of the choir will fulfill God's purpose.
Commit to accept this position with the understanding that your personal conduct should be to God's glory.
Commit to regular attendance and promptness for rehearsals and services.

4-Life Mime Ministry
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
The Praise Dance and Mime ministry’s desire is to “present our bodies as a living sacrifice,” by ministering in dance and mime to others as the LORD ministers to us. We exist to usher in the presence of the Lord, and to minister in dance and mime in such a way as to bring others into the presence of Christ through praise and worship.
Women Of Destiny Praise dance
Women Dance Ministry
Praise dancers not only minister to their brothers and sisters in Christ but we often minister to ourselves as well. We are continuously seeking God to show Himself in us that we may be pleasing in His sight and do what He has called us to do; to minister to His people through dance.
Let us praise His name with the dance! (Psalm 149:3)